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On 10 August 2024, a Service to dedicate the 14 JANUARY 1945 Memorial
will be held at the Memorial site, commencing at 10:30am.
A professional video of the Service will later be available for anyone to view.
People wanting to attend the service - please MEET IN THE ASSEMBLY AREA (the car park of the nearby Dornoch Firth Caravan Park) BY NO LATER THAN 10:00AM.
* For safety reasons, NO PARKING WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE A9 LAY-BY beside the Memorial. Police Scotland traffic cones will close
the lay-by between 10:00 and 11:15am.
* Attendees will be transferred between the car park and the lay-by for the service.
A few yards north from the Assembly Area is the restaurant and gift shop Meikle Ferry Station. The Manager, Audrey, has offered to open the restaurant early on 10 August, so those attending the Service can get a cup of tea or coffee and make use of the restaurant's toilets.
This is just one of many kindnesses from people local to the site of W6009's accident. Why not arrive early and pop in to say 'hello' to Audrey and spend a £ or two in the restaurant and shop.

Order of Service
Introduction and Welcome, Mr Kenneth McAulay1
Unveiling of 14 JANYARY 1945 Memorial, Mrs Philippa Denton2 and Mr Mike Pryor3
Order of Service, conducted by The Reverend (Wing Commander) Adrian Dyer Royal Air Force4
Bidding Prayer
Reading - High Flight, Flight Lieutenant Rohan Buckley5
The Dedication
The Act of Remembrance
The Piper's Lament
THE SILENCE (2 minutes)
The Reveille
Wreath laying
The Lord-Lieutenant
Royal British Legion Scotland
RAF Lossiemouth
CXX Squadron
Families - lay a wreath or flowers at the Memorial if you wish, or keep them for the gathering at Ferrytown Pier after the Service
Kohima Epitaph
Prayer for the Royal Air Force
Lord's Prayer
The Blessing
A Word, Mrs Phillipa Denton
Close, Frank Pepper6
11:30am (estimated)
1 Chairman, Royal British Legion Scotland, Golspie Branch
2 Philippa is W6009's Captain, Flying Officer Alan Crompton's Daughter
3 Mike is Flight Sergeant Murray Pryor's Son
4 Senior Chaplain, RAF Lossiemouth
5 120 Squadron, RAF Lossiemouth
6 Frank is Flying Officer Francis Pepper's Nephew
Rose Petals on the Sea at Ferrytown Pier Slipway
After the Service, Crew family are invited to drive their cars 3.6 miles (7 minutes) to Ferrytown Pier Slipway, from where they will have an opportunity to cast rose petals onto the sea near the crash site. Rose petals and a special wreath will be supplied by Kenneth McAulay.
Light Lunch at St Duthus Hotel, Tain
Commencing at 12 noon, a light lunch will be served, and people will have a chance to chat, away from the noisy A9.

Are you able to help Pay it Forward?
I am grateful beyond words to Kenny McAulay of Royal British Legion Scotland. I am sure Crew families share that with me.
I cannot imagine most of the problems Kenny and his colleagues quietly sorted out to get the JANUARY 1945 Memorial installed.
And now, with their still-serving members at RAF Lossiemouth and others, they are going even further 'above and beyond' to come out to honour Our Crew, who were killed or seriously injured in a RAF operational training accident on their patch, close to eighty years ago.
What a testament to the bond between service men and women! A bond which extends across borders and generations.
And what a remarkable gift to the families of their RAAF colleagues who left homes in Australia to help in a common cause.
The story of W6009 was not known in Scotland. Indeed, it was not well-known to many of Our Crew’s families. But, when Kenny heard that story, his determination to help retell it was immediate. It is obvious that he and his colleague have spent a great deal of time and effort on this project. And I know they have quietly covered out-of-pocket expenses.
Thanks largely to them, families of Our Crew have a place to visit, now and into the future.
Many people outside RBLS helped. We received the wholly unexpected but gratefully accepted gift of the stand from Alex Lowe and Emac Engineering. The costs of installing the memorial, of a video recording of the Service for posterity, and of a wee dram after the Service have all been met. Others have willingly helped, such as Scottish Police. We know these people would appreciate their kindnesses being 'paid forward'.
If you have a few free pounds or dollars, please consider helping RBLS. They are the British equivalent to Australia’s Returned and Services League. Like the RSL, they care for veterans (as some of Our Crew became). And they maintain the war memorials on their patch, of which ours is now one.
Donations can be paid to -
Bank : Bank of Scotland Plc Bank
Account Name : Royal British Legion Golspie Branch
Sort Code : 80-15-82
Account Number : 00185015
Reference : Dornoch
If you have a problem, please send me an email from the Contact page, with FRANK as the Subject, and I will sort it out for you with Kenny.